You have the right to cancel your order within fourteen days without giving reasons. The cancellation period is fourteen days from the day the purchase was made. Important: since our services are electronic services that start within a short time after receipt of payment and cannot be reversed, the following applies: At the end of the purchase process, the customer expressly agrees to the execution of the order before the expiry of the cancellation period. He acknowledges that the right of withdrawal expires when the order begins to be executed.
To exercise your right of withdrawal, you must inform us:
by means of a clear statement of your decision to withdraw from the contract. You can use the attached model withdrawal form for this purpose, but this is not mandatory.
To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient if you send us the declaration before the withdrawal period has expired and before the order is executed.
Consequences of the withdrawal
If you cancel the contract, we have to repay the payment received from you including the delivery costs immediately and at the latest within fourteen days from the day on which we received the notification of the cancellation of the contract.
For the repayment, we use the same means of payment that you used for the original transaction.
If the service has already started at your request during the cancellation period or has been carried out in whole or in part, we will retain a reasonable amount that corresponds to the proportion of the service provided up to the time of exercising the right of cancellation compared to the total scope of the service provided in the contract .
Sample withdrawal form
If you want to cancel the contract, please fill out this form and send it back.
– At
– I / we (*) hereby revoke the contract concluded by me / us (*) for the purchase of the following goods (*) / the provision of the following service:
– Order number:
– Ordered on (*):
– Received at (*):
– Name of the consumer (s):
– Address of the consumer (s):
– Signature of the consumer (s): (only when notified on paper)
– date
(*) Delete where inapplicable